Performing Arts Research in Digital Era: Applying PRISMA Systematic Literature Review of Comedy Management
Trisna Pradita Putra1, Budi Irawanto2
Comedy is one of the traditional arts that is important to study from the perspective of performing arts management. This study was conducted to provide a systematic review of articles published in journals by researchers in art management, especially comedy arts management. Using the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Review and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) method, this study reviews how comedy art management studies have been conducted. This literature review aims to determine the article’s characteristics, the type of measurement, the methodology used, and the research results on comedy art management. The method used is a systematic literature review. Article searches are conducted online using the keywords “Comedy” and/or “comedy management” and/or “comedy production” and/or “Marketing comedy” and/or “Comedian.” The data used for this literature review amounted to 115 articles taken from the database of the journal Scopus, Ebscohost, Proquest, and Portal Garuda in the period 2012-2022. This research produces an overview of the proportion of comedy research based on the object of observation, managerial themes, types of comedy, the number of comedy research, and the mapping of various themes of comedy management research.
Keywords: comedy, management, arts management, literature review
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