Ondel-Ondel in the Digital Age

Mita Purbasari1, Donna Carollina2, M Dwi Marianto3



The global community is currently entering a new era of disruption, namely Society 5.0 where new values are currently collaborating with several different systems due to the development of information technology. This era has an impact on various traditional systems that then transform in digital form. Another thing that marks this digital age is the presence of various social networks that can be accessed at any time by the general public. The ease of distribution of information on this social network is often used by users to update the latest status of a situation. One of them is as happened in an Instagram status update featuring Ondel-Ondel in the Prawirotaman area of Yogyakarta city. This phenomenon then attracted the attention of the author to conduct research on the impact of social media on the image of Ondel-Ondel. This research was conducted using descriptive qualitative methods. The data used in this study is a literature review. The purpose of this study is to uncover the impact of social media on the image of Ondel-Ondel in the present. The results of this study reveal that social media as products of the digital era have positive value in introducing Ondel-Ondel to the wider community. However, social media also have negative impact because they can be accessed by anyone, the information conveyed actually dwarfs Ondel-Ondel.

Keywords: Ondel-Ondel, social media, impact


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