Art Manager Education in Creating a Humanist Art Ecosystem

M. Kholid Arif Rozaq1 and Trisna Pradita Putra2



Art and culture management have very strategic roles in building a humanist arts ecosystem. ISI Yogyakarta responded to these importance of formal education for prospective art managers by establishing the Undergraduate Program in Art Management  or Tata Kelola Seni/TKS departement in 2014. Until 2022, Art Management ISI Yogyakarta is the first and the only study program in Indonesia which is specifically designed to provide formal education for art managers. Since 2018, TKS departement has begun to graduate alumni spreaded throughout Indonesia and work in various fields, both in the fields of art management and in the more general fields. Nevertheless, competency evaluations for alumni have never been conducted. This research aimed to examine the suitability of the learning outcomes that had been formulated by TKS departement, with the reality of the competencies needed in the marketplace as humanizing art managers. The data has been collected by in-depth interviews with alumni majoring in the Bachelor of Arts Management. The main informants for this research were alumni of the TKS undergraduate study program whose work in the fields of arts management. The results of the data analysis found input to develop the learning curriculum in the TKS department based on three aspects, namely knowledge, skills, and attitudes. This mapping is important to contribute the process of producing art managers who can support the art ecosystem which has humanizing priorities.

Keywords: art management, art managers education, art ecosystem


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