Inclusive Design as the Social Responsibility of Industrial Designers

Winta Adhitia Guspara1 and Winta Tridhatu Satwikasanti2



Human-centred design is a paradigm of industrial design that focuses on producing products that are not only luxurious but also have a good purpose, function well, and provide a satisfying experience for users. Industrial designers possess the skills and knowledge to create such products, but it is unfortunate if these abilities are used in too narrow a field. According to Papanek, industrial designers must prepare themselves to understand social problems. One field that is relevant to industrial designers in terms of social responsibility is related to disabled people. By learning from people with disabilities, designers can understand how a design should be. Standards for design requirement no longer use general standards but use the minimum standards for persons with disabilities. By employing minimum standards, the product usability and environmental accessibility can be used for everyone, and no one is left behind.

This article expands on Victor Papanek’s ideas of introducing product design students to an inclusive design paradigm. Students participate in inclusive design and inclusive service-learning classes, where they work on projects aimed at creating educational toys for children by involving children with disabilities, including autism spectrum disorder, cerebral palsy, visual impairment, deafness, slow learning, and mental disabilities. Involving children with disabilities in the design process allows designers to receive valuable feedback on functionality and usability, aiding in the overall improvement of the solutions at once. By embracing an inclusive design approach and involving disabled individuals in the design process, students can develop products which answer the needs of people with disabilities, foster inclusivity and accessibility for more people.

Keywords: Victor Papanek, human-centred design, industrial design, inclusive design, disability


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