Film as a Media Transfer of the Director’s Aesthetic Experience in Shaping Community Culture



Film is a work of art in which there are many collections of branches of art, namely visual, sound, artistic and acting. Film is also a vehicle for expression for some artists to present ideas and ideas that they cannot interpret directly. The film will never be separated from the presence of the director. The director is a person who plays an important role in the running of the creative process in filmmaking, in which in the filmmaking process, of course there is a transfer of aesthetic experience that occurs. The aesthetic experience contained in the film will become a collection of messages that can later be absorbed by humans, of course this will become a culture in society. This study discusses how the process of the conceptual framework of the director’s aesthetic experience as outlined in the film is able to shape culture in society. This study uses a qualitative method to collect data, referring to a lot of existing literature and current practices regarding film phenomena that are able to shape culture in society. The results of the research are in the form of knowledge and packaging of concepts in filmmaking, as well as the proper distribution of films, in order to be able to provide relevant shows to society during the current era of very broad technological and cultural developments. However, it cannot be separated from the elements of art produced by the director’s creative process in representing his experiences in the films.

Keywords: film, director, culture, art, aesthetic experience


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