Redesign The Product Packaging of Ikan Kayu Cap Kapal Tsunami
Fentisari Desti Sucipto1 & Rino Yuda2
A natural disaster can serve as a source of inspiration to make art and design. One of its examples is the symbolism of the Tsunami disaster that hit Aceh in 2004 through the product packaging design of Ikan Kayu Cap Kapal Tsunami. Initially, the packaging design of this product was originally intended for the Acehnese or Indonesian people. Furthermore, there were foreign tourists who also purchased this product in its development. However, some graphic elements and contents of the packaging design layout have not been oriented to the segmentation of foreign tourists. Thus, it needs to reposition market segmentation expansion. This repositioning requires brand equity strengthening in the market, so it is crucial to make a packaging redesign. Redesigning and repositioning are related to each other. Redesigning and repositioning may help the industry to struggle during the pandemic era. Because one of the negative impact in the pandemic era to the business is decreasing in benefits. Therefore, the topic proposed was Redesigning and Repositioning the Product Packaging of Ikan Kayu Cap Kapal Tsunami. This study used Design Thinking theory by Tim Brown of 2008. It consists of five phases i.e. empathize, define, ideate, prototype, and test. The study aims to obtain alternatives to the concept of the use of natural disasters as an inspiration for packaging designs while still paying attention to the aesthetic graphic elements. Moreover, it can serve as a reference for literature on the creative process of design in the culinary field. According to the data of Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy that the culinary sub-sector contributes 30% towards the total revenue of the tourism and creative economy sectors. This amount is considerable, so it is necessary to carry out the development and improvement to several elements i.e., the visual improvement to the packaging design of the Ikan Kayu Cap Kapal Tsunami.
Keywords: packaging redesign, ikan kayu (skipjack), packaging design
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