Effectivity of Asynchronous Learning on Theoretical Compared to Theoretical-Practical Courses at Film Department Universitas Multimedia Nusantara
Annita1 & Yosef Budi Susanto2
Implementation of the e-learning method is a necessity, both synchronous and asynchronous modes. Universitas Multimedia Nusantara (UMN) encourages all of its study programs to implement both synchronous and asynchronous. Meanwhile, there are two types, of course, theoretical and theoretical-practical courses. Due to the specific nature of its learning process, the effectiveness of asynchronous learning is not yet proven. This research aims to evaluate the effectivity of implementing the asynchronous method on theoretical and practical courses at Film Program Study, UMN. The research was done quantitatively, using descriptive analysis and comparative test method, involving two hundred ninety-five respondents who participated in the study by filling questionnaires. The evaluation was done on the effectivity of seven courses categorized into two types: theoretical and theoretical-practical courses. The results indicate that the implementation of asynchronous e-learning on seven courses is effective. Furthermore, there is no significant difference between the implementation of asynchronous e-learning on theoretical and theoretical-practical courses. Based on this study, it is recommended that lecturers who apply asynchronous learning in their classes be more active in responding to the students. Challenging activities can also be added to make the discussion forum more active.
Keywords: effectivity, asynchronous, online learning
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