Carnival De Minanga Danza: Interpretation of Tan Malaka Philosophy Content into Sound Complexity in Contemporary Music
Nurkholis1 & Rosmegawaty Tindaon2
Tan Malaka is a figure who is identical with the liberation of the knowledge perspective of the Indonesian people from colonialism. According to him, as long as the Indonesian people are still trapped by superstition, the parasite of ignorance will always undermine their independence to be able to stand on an equal footing with foreign nations. Tan Malaka always campaigns for these radical ideas through provocative writings in the form of books and articles in the mass media. In fact, he was directly involved in the establishment of educational spaces for the proletariat and led a demonstration movement against the injustices of the bourgeoisie in Indonesia. For researchers, the phenomenon of Tan Malaka has an appeal to be elaborated into the creation of music art with a multidisciplinary approach. Because, from an extra-musical perspective, the conceptual and methodological creations can be explored in such a way through research-based practice, art research practice, and research-led practice. The musical sources used are the sounds of Minangkabau culture, such as handclap and goreh randai, saluang appeal, and the talempong pacik dialectic. The election was aligned with Tan Malaka’s habitus which helped shape his philosophical thought patterns. Later it was developed into sublime expression in contemporary musical aesthetics.
Keywords: Tan Malaka, culture sound, Minangkabau folklore, contemporary music, practice base research
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